About Our Boat
SAOR is a Nicholson 345, a schooner rigged cruiser/racer designed by Ron Holland and built by Camper and Nicholson’s. Approximately 25 Nicholson 345’s were built , the first in 1978 and the last in 1981. SAOR was built in 1979, and is hull number 19 in the series.
SAOR is 10.5 metres in length with a fixed fin keel providing a draft of 1.85metres and a beam of 3.35metre. An easy boat to sail but probably not one preferable to those seeking shallow waters?
After 1981 some further 345’s were built in Brazil under the name of Fast 345.
Over the years a number of 345’s have taken part in the Fastnet race holding their own on the course.
SAOR has spent a number of years based in Southern Ireland and prior to that spent ten years in the Mediterranean.
For some years now, SAOR has been based in the region of Essex/Suffolk border enjoying the benefits of the good sailing variations available in that area. During this period, she has made a number of excursions across to Holland/Belgium and France.
When not sailing, SAOR is powered by a reasonably new Beta 30HE diesel engine. This has been maintained well and the low hours indicated on the ‘hours’ meter indicates the low dependence that has been placed upon it.
Down below, a double aft berth, three single berths in the saloon and a single in the forepeak making a total of 6 berth BUT in keeping with many vessels, six adults sleeping aboard would be rather ‘cosy’. (The syndicate normally doesn’t sail with a crew of more than four, particularly if overnight stays are planned.
The navigation equipment is as one may expect on today’s yachts . The chart plotter provides a Class B A.I.S. facility which is capable of transmitting our location etc.
The previous owner returned SAOR back to wheel steering as opposed to the tiller it had been adapted to. Two of our syndicate regularly sailed with that latest owner and indeed were able to help him carry out sufficient annual maintenance tasks to support the view that SAOR has been well maintained.
See our YouTube Tour of SAOR!
SAOR in Detail
Get an overview of SAOR as well as detailed operating instruction an everything from onboard electrics to thenavigation equipment.

All posts about SAOR
Some udeful tips regarding refuling and fuel storage.
A description of the boat and it's history.
Learn how to use the Chart Plotter on SAOR