Welcome to SAOR Sailing.
We are a small, friendly sailing syndicate with a focus on sailing for fun.

About SAOR
SAOR is a well-maintained Nicholson 345, a 10.5-meter cruiser/racer designed by Ron Holland and built by Camper and Nicholson’s in 1979. With a double aft berth, three single berths in the saloon, and a single in the forepeak SAOR has been a popular choice for overnight stays. Read more here…
Brief description of the syndicate Read more here..
See our previous syndicate here…
Read our Constitution
Guide to Sailing on SAOR.
There are many aspects to operating a sailing boat and it’s equipment, from the plotter to the electrics and engine. We have produced guides and tutorials to help get to grips with the various aspects of sailing SAOR and operating the onboard equipment.

Some udeful tips regarding refuling and fuel storage.
A description of the boat and it's history.
Our Latest Trips
Up to Ipswich for an evening out!
Fun in Ramsgate
If you have any questions or would be interested in joing our friendly syndicate please feel free contact us…